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    Showing posts with label Special Diets. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Special Diets. Show all posts

    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    Think About It Thursday--Gluten Free Diets

    Today I received an email from a parent of one of my kiddos. She shared that he had been put on a gluten and dairy free diet this summer and that they were seeing great results. This student has always had toileting issues so I am glad to hear they have found a solution, however I am a little nervous about this new diet.The biggest diet restrictions I have had in my classroom are no chocolate/caffeine and no peanut butter. So this will be a big change. I am mostly concerned about adapting our weekly cooking activities to meet this students needs.

    Has anyone worked with kids with gluten-free diets? Have you seen a big change? Other than bowel issues, what are other reasons gluten-free is used?

    Do you know of any resources our there for teachers that will help with these restrictions? Perhaps kid-friendly cookbooks?
