Download my FREE PECS Phase 1 Cheatsheet! I look forward to connecting with you and sharing SpEd Spot tips and FREEBIES! Download the PECS Cheatsheet Built with ConvertKit Last year, one of my kiddos has a speech evaluation and it was determined that we should try to use PECS  (Picture Exchange Communication System) with him. I am not sure how many readers have used PECS in their classrooms but I find it to be very complicated! PECS training is only provided locally 1-2 times per year and it is expensive. There was no training available until after school was out therefore i n order to get some information on the system, my paras and I used the OCALI (Ohio Center for Autism and Low Inci de nce) Autism Internet Modules . The modules were very informative (I have used them for other topics as well and I really think they are a wonderful resource). In fact, they contained so much information that I started to worry about being able to remember all of the steps to this ver......