Number of the Day Math Corner Bulletin Board

I'm not going to lie... teaching math is not my favorite. BUT I love how easy it is to make multisensory activities for math instruction. Several years ago I wanted to expand my math instruction beyond my extended standards time, ULS group, and IEP time. I was looking for a way to practice a variety of skills every day. Alas, my Number of the Day Math Corner was born! 

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Every day we practiced the same skills and it WORKED! It worked better than I even dreamed. Suddenly I had students who had been stuck working on basic number identification who were suddenly skip counting by 5s. I had students beginning to generalize Touchmath skills and coin identification. It was AWESOME! I only wish I would have started it sooner. 

Below is the overall bulletin board and as you can see after 146 days of school it was well loved! Seriously why did I choose to use red dry erase marker?!?

Number of the Day Math Corner Bulletin Board

Now for each section and how I used it:

Number of the Day

To start each day, we would write the number of the day which corresponded with the number of days we had been in school. 

Number of the Day- Math Corner

Number Word

Then we would write the number word.

Number Word- Math Corner


Then we would add a tally and count by 5s. To save time, I only added one tally per day but you could have students practice writing all of the tallies each day if you want. 

Tallies- Math Corner


Then I would use the numbers in the number of the day to create a comparison problem. If needed, I would choose an extra number. Then students would determine if the problem was greater than, less than, and equal to and use velcro pieces to solve it. 

Comparing Numbers- Math Corner

I would often use bowls and manipulatives from Learning Resources for students to model this comparison. It was a great way for students who were not quite to the level of comparing numbers to at least practice counting out sets. 

Comparing Numbers with Manipulatives- Math Corner


Then we would use the number of the day to create a money amount, again adding additional numbers if needed. Then a student would add a penny to the piggy bank. We would also work to exchange pennies for nickels and nickels for dimes, etc when appropriate. My students loved using the play money to build the amounts!  Students would use a coin-u-lator or TouchMoney to check their work. 

Money- Math Corner

Number Line

Then, I would write the number of the day in the star on the number line. Students would write the 5 numbers before and after either independently or using a 100s grid. 

Number Line- Math Corner

Addition & Subtraction

Next, we create some addition and subtraction number sentences. Students solve the problems independently, using Touchmath, or a calculator depending on their needs. 

Addition and Subtraction Sentences- Math Corner

Student Solving Addition Sentence- Math Corner

Place Value

The place value portion required the most prep and components. I used rings of cards to display the number of the day and to create a number sentence for adding together the hundreds, tens, and ones. Additionally, we used place value manipulatives from Learning Resources to model the number of the day. Again, to save time we would add to the ones each day and exchange as needed but you could reset this portion daily if desired. (Tip: using the small 3M hooks really limited the visual distraction)

Place Value Cards and Manipulatives- Math Corner 

Student using Place Value Manipulatives- Math Corner

Student Adding Place Value Manipulatives to Math Corner 

Student changing Place Value Cards- Math Corner


This was the hardest component to tie into the number of the day mostly because my students were at a very basic level for telling time (mostly hour or half-hour). But I would use the digits in the number of the day to provide a time. For instance, if the number of the day was 146, I may use 4 o'clock. I would say the time and a student would write it on the digital clock. Then we would draw the hands on the analog clock. And to differentiate for a student who needed more hands-on activities I would use a Judy clock for them to find the same time. 

Time Visuals- Math Corner

Judy Clock- Math Corner

Ten Frames

Finally, our last step was to add a sticker to the ten frames sheets under the bulletin board. I loved how this incorporated some fine motor and visual tracking skills. Plus, just to be extra, I would change the stickers each month to be thematic or seasonal. I found a great holiday sticker pack that is perfect!

Ten Frames Stickers- Math Corner

Student adding sticker to Ten Frames- Math Corner

Recently, I recreated all of these activities to create a pack for my Teachers Pay Teachers store so if you are interested in starting a Math Corner in your classroom I have all of the activities you need! Click the image below to head over to my store. 

Number of the Day Math Corner Bulletin Board Pack
Miss Allison's SpEd Spot on TPT

Also included in this pack, I created a corresponding worksheet. This can be a great way for students to stay engaged and follow along as you complete the Math Corner activities as a group. They can be printed multiple times to create a Number of the Day Notebook or you could use a dry erase sleeve and reuse the same worksheet daily. 
Number of the Day Companion Worksheet for Math Corner Bulletin Board

I hope you enjoy incorporating these daily activities as much as I did and that you see the same growth I saw in my students!