2. Get up earlier!- Anyone who has taught with me and pretty much anyone who has tried to meet me somewhere knows I am always late! This is mostly due to the fact that I am NOT a morning person. I move so slow in the morning and on most days I wish caffeine could be injected intravenously! I think a lot of this stems from the problem in resolution #1.
3. Leave school earlier!-(Hmmm I am beginning to sense a theme here.) As I mentioned last week, I am a bit of a perfectionist which leads to many late nights at school "perfecting" whatever project I am currently working on. This leads to getting home late... eating dinner late... and going to bed late. It's a vicious cycle!
Wish me luck on my resolutions and leave comments on what resolutions you want to have for this school year! Best of luck to all my readers on a new school year!