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    Friday, August 17, 2012

    Classroom Before Pictures

    I'm linking up with Karlie at <a href="http://karlie-johnson.blogspot.com/">We are ALL Specials</a> for her Classroom Before and After Pictures Linky Party.

    We are All Special!

    As I shared back in May, my district moved us to a new building. My wonderful paras helped me pack about 100 BOXES!! Eeeek! So walking into my classroom looked like this....

    I could hardly even get into the room to start unpacking! It was such a disaster. Then, I started getting things organized and then maintenance came in to do a variety of things (paint, install projector, retile bathroom floor, install shelving, etc) and EVERY time they moved a bunch of stuff and didn't put it back. GRRR!

    After lots of organizing (and reorganizing!), I am almost done! I REALLY hope everything is ready for the kiddos' arrival on Tuesday. I will be sure to share some "after" pics then!


    Learning with Mrs. Parker said...

    I can't wait to see the after pictures. I'm afraid my classroom will look the same way whenever it is ready. Maintenance is still working on it.

    Karlie said...

    I'm so excited you linked up! You are my first linker (I might have just made that word up..)! But....I think i need to tweak some things. The photo link isn't working, and it doesn't show that you're actually linked on my blog. So.....I'll let you know when I figure out the problem...

    Thanks again for being the first to link up! (sorry it means you're kinda my experiment;)

    We are ALL Special!

    Karlie said...

    Ok, I think I got the button fixed. So if you go back to my blog and get the code, it should work this time (**Fingers crossed**). Then don't forget to hit the link up button. If you did, and it didn't work let me know.

    We are ALL Special!

    Karlie said...

    Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, but your pictures are just amazing! I can't imagine how you must feel going through all of that...like you said, you can hardly walk in the room. Good luck! I'm sure you'll make your new room look great:)

    I'm glad the link works, but like you said, it is a bit blurry. Well, I think I've had enough frustration with this icon. I might just chalk it up to a learning experience and save my time and energy for the next button.

    I'm so excited you linked up and shared the pictures though:)

    We are ALL Special!