The Versatile Blogger Award!

I want to give a special THANK YOU to Karlie over at We are ALL Special! for my newest blogging award! Karlie is a fellow SpEd with a fabulous blog so I highly recommend everyone heads over to check it out!

Here are the seven rules to follow when receiving this award:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. 
  2. Include a link to their blog.  
  3. Include the award image in your post.  
  4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.  
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.  
  6. When nominating, include a link to their blog.  
  7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.  

Here are the 7 random facts about me...

  1. I love to cook! However, I really only cook during the summer because I am never home during the school year. 
  2. This is the first summer I have taken "off" since I was 15 and I am going crazy! I don't know what to do with myself!
  3. I am almost always the last person to leave school... I am a perfectionist (not a workaholic contrary to what some may believe!) and want everything to be perfect for my kiddos because I think it is what they deserve!
  4. I live with my amazing boyfriend, Andy. He is very understanding of #1-3 and I am lucky for that!
  5. I love to travel. Next week I will be in Philly, NYC, Cape Cod and Boston. Then at the end of July I will be spending a week at the beach in Hilton Head, SC... SO EXCITED!
  6. I love to read. However, again this only happens during the summer :(. My favorite author or SpEd related stories is Torey Hayden, for romance I like Nicholas Sparks, and for a page-turner I go to Jodi Picoult. 
  7. During the school year I do try to make time to read my two favorite magazines: Real Simple and Everyday Food (I am sort of a Martha Stewart nut!)

Since I recently nominated 15 fellow bloggers for the One Lovely Blog award I wanted to find a fresh bunch for this award. There are so many awesome blogs out there! I set out to my extensive Pinterest boards to find some "new" (to me) blogs!


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