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    Friday, July 6, 2012

    Grab My Button!

    I have been working hard this week to design a button for my blog. With ZERO graphic design background this was a bit tricky! However, thanks to FotoFlexer and Phillip Martin Clipart I was able to create a button I love! I love primary colors, special needs kids, and autism awareness so this button represents me well! Hope you love it as much as I do and grab it on my sidebar to share on your blog!


    Karlie said...

    I'm already using your new blog button!

    I'm in the process of writing a post awarding you with The Versatile Blogger award, stop on by and see it on Saturday...it's taking me awhile to write the post, and I'm timing it to post tomorrow cause I don't want to double post today:-D

    We are ALL Special!

    Anonymous said...

    I found you through Karlie @ We are ALL special. I teach students with severe and multiple impairments and I always love finding other sped teacher bloggers. I am your newest follower :)


    Unknown said...

    I also found your blog from Karlie's award at We are ALL Special. I'm your newest follower! I teach resource room in elementary school & I am very happy when I find other special ed teachers!

    Your button looks great!

    The Resource Room Teacher