I've moved! This is because the district decided to move all of the self-contained special education classes to one elementary. So although I am in a new building, I am still in the same district, with the same kids, and the same aides (thank god!).
I have honestly had a million emotions about the move especially in all the stress of packing 100+ boxes and keeping a brave face with the kiddos. I will undoubtedly miss my old school, however I am glad to announce that I am finally starting to get really excited about the new start. I had an awesome, productive meeting with my new MD team on Tuesday and starting on Tuesday I will be able to get into my new room and start unpacking!
I am so excited to have a team of teachers and aides to collaborate and work with. We have always tried to bounce ideas off each other and work together, however being in different buildings makes this difficult. I am also very excited to share all of our fabulous new ideas with all of you... once we get started of course.
So stay tuned! Big things are happening :)